Drosmīgs vīrietis glābj sievieti, kura cenšas nolēkt no tilta – neticēsi, ko viņš izdarīja

Michael Owen, 22, A heroic doorman clung on to a woman's hand for more than an hour after she threatened to jump off a bridge.  Michael Owen, 22, held the woman's hand as he helped keep her from falling into a busy motorway.  Brave Michael was travelling with girlfriend Jemma (pictured) when they noticed the distressed woman standing on the edge of a bridge near Chippenham, Wilts.  © WALES NEWS SERVICE

Kāds vīrietis, braucot automašīnā ar draudzeni, ieraudzīja, ka kāda sieviete nav vairs tālu no nolēkšanas no tilta.

Viņš saņēma drosmi rokās un centās izdarīt visu, lai sieviete nenolēktu.

Šķir lapu tālāk, lai iepazītos ar raksta turpinājumu!